Sunday, October 19, 2008

Media Calls It, Obama Has Won!

If they could get away with it, all the headlines would read "The Presidential election is already over, Barack Obama has won, conservatives Republicans can stay home!".

If there was ever any doubt about which way the so-called "mainstream" media leans politically, this election has killed it. Their incessant cheerleading for the Obama campaign, coupled with their never ending attacks on McCain-Palin, has now vaulted them into permanent status as the public relations arm of the Democratic Party.

Sen. Obama has insisted that he wants to talk about "the issues". OK then. I'd bet we all know that Sarah Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant, right? And that there is an investigation into Gov. Palin's supposed "abuse of power" for firing AK State Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. Gov. Palin says she fired him due to incompatabilities and job performance issues, but the press claims it was because he refused to fire a trooper who had been married to Gov. Palin's sister. Nowhere does the press mention that this trooper has been accused of drinking on duty, unlawfuly discharging his firearm, and tasering his 10-year old stepson. But be that as it may, we have all heard about these crucial issues relating to Gov. Palin's ability to be Vice-President, yes?

Then there are the questions about Sen. Obama's relationship with Franklin Raines, CEO of the government chartered mortgage giant Fannie Mae. Mr. Raines was accused of "cooking the books", which translates to using fraudulent practices to hide corporate losses, primarily to keep paying himself and his fellow executives large salaries and bonuses. Mr. Raines was considered an economic adviser to the Obama campaign, until the news came out that he was going to be grilled by congressional investigators for his role in the mortgage crisis (broken, in all fairness, by the Washington Post).

Then, of course, there is the relationship Sen. Obama has with William Ayers, the former leader of the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist group responsible for several bombings in the sixties and seventies. Sen. Obama claims that he knows Mr. Ayers only casually, and that he has no involvement in the Obama Presidential campaign. However, Sen. Obama conveniently neglects to mention the meet and greet that Mr. Ayers held at his home for Obama's first campaign for the IL state Senate. Funny how that works, huh? Plus, all that bombing stuff happened when Sen. Obama was eight years old. I wonder if that excuse would work if John McCain said he was hanging out with Klan leaders? After all, all that lynching stuff happened so long ago ...

I won't even bother to get into Tony Rezko, Revs. Wright and Pfleger, ACORN, etc. Do I really need to?

The long and the short of it is, how much do you hear about Sen. Obama's "little problems" in the "mainstream" media? They get a mention here and there, sure, when they can squeeze it in, at the bottom of the page, if they have enough room after trumpeting Sarah Palin's latest made-up gaffe ("Gee, Katie Couric asked Gov. Palin if she knew what color hair the Queen of England's cat had, and she didn't know!!!!"), or if they can find the space when they're done screaming about how John McCain's economic plans will steal money from the middle class, give tax breaks to big oil, and put senior citizens out on the street. Almost sounds like a Barack Obama campaign commercial, doesn't it?

And therein lies the problem.

If you or I did that, we'd be violating campaign finance laws. Laws that Sen. McCain, in a breathtaking display of his own naivete, did yeoman's work to pass. Perhaps he actually believed that they wouldn't be used against him?

Boy, that sure worked out well, didn't it?

Whatever led us to this eventuality, we are now faced with the reality of the situation. All the poll numbers tell us that Sen. Obama, with all of his socialist policies, from government control of the economy down to federal repeal of state concealed weapons laws, is going to be our next President. The media is touting every one of these polls that they can find, as well as dredging up every negative McCain-Palin story they can dust off or invent, and using them to convince the conservative voting base to stay home.

Let's face it, if they do their job, they win, and we lose The Clinton years will look like a garden party by comparison.

I know a lot of folks don't think McCain is the best choice for conservatives. I'm one of them. But given the alternative, he's the only choice. So, for the sake of your country, get out there and vote.

If you don't, you will have no one but yourselves to blame for what happens next.

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